Hannah Batty

Hannah Batty

I wasn’t born into a farming family, however I am fiercely passionate about the benefits of working within the UK dairy industry, having been welcomed in with open arms. I am a farm animal vet and Clinical director, primarily working with dairy businesses in the North West. I truly believe in the importance of developing people within our industry and that defining and refining processes can benefit both cattle health and business profitability.

People. Processes. Potential: a blueprint for great team management on UK dairy farms

Study Overview

I’m hoping to use this opportunity to visit a range of dairy businesses across the globe and identify how they manage their teams to ensure health, welfare and profitability targets are met. What processes support best practice? How are these communicated within the team and audited to ensure they are carried out effectively? How do these businesses make the most of both people and processes to reach their potential? Through this study, I’d like to identify some useful and practical suggestions that can be implemented on farm to achieve positive change within our dairy industry.

Scholar Video