Report Synopsis

Review of Perceptions of Agriculture in Primary School Students and opportunities for developments

Karol Kissane

More people live in urban centres rather than rural areas, and this will increase to 2/3rds of the world’s population by 2050. This contributes to an ever-growing disconnect between primary producers of agricultural products and its consumers.

The challenge for agriculture is to engage the population to facilitate a better understanding of what it does, and help it to feed a growing population, while protecting biodiversity and reducing agricultures effects on climate change.

To change perceptions, positive experiences must be introduced from a young age and repeated regularly. The school system offers the best opportunity to reach a wide audience of young people. There is the opportunity to incorporate agricultural examples into the teaching of other subjects.

Using creativity and new technologies can ensure engagement and a positive perception of agriculture in children’s minds, while also facilitating the development of critical thinking from a young age.

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