Report Synopsis

Stress Management in Farming in Ireland

Joseph Leonard

This report examines some of the issue that cause farmers stress with an emphasis on the particular challenges faced by young people entering into farming.

The objectives of this study were as follows;

  • To identify the major controllable stressors of farming life.
  • To highlight the need to react to stressors early - early recognition of and intervention will lead to an easier and more successful outcome.
  • To explore an education model that will give young farmers the foresight of potential stressors and challenges that life will throw at them, and the skills and tools to enable them to best face adversity.
  • To help remove the stigma that surrounds 'asking for help'.

The objectives of the study were met through a series of interviews and case studies with, farmers, industry personnel, Nuffield Scholars and mental health professionals during an international study trip that included travelling to Europe, USA, India, New Zealand and Australia.

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